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Lavender Haze Digestive Mocktail

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  • Author: Liz Moody


  • 2 earl grey tea bags, decaf is great for nighttime 
  • 3/4 teaspoon dried culinary lavender⁣
  • 1 tablespoon honey⁣
  • 2 cups frozen blueberries⁣
  • Juice of 1 lemon⁣
  • 1/2 cup canned light coconut milk ⁣
  • Optional:1.5 ounces of vodka or gin to make it a cocktail


  1. Boil 1 cup of water and add earl grey tea bags and culinary lavender. Let it steep for 4 minutes, then remove tea bags, squeezing them out, and stir in the honey. Transfer to the freezer to quick chill. ⁣
  2. Microwave blueberries in 30-second increments, smashing with a muddler or wooden spoon in-between, until it’s as liquidy as possible (about 1-2 minutes total). ⁣
  3. Using a fine mesh strainer, strain the earl grey and lavender tea into a large measuring cup to remove lavender. Discard the lavender pieces, then strain the blueberry mixture into the same vessel, pressing out as much blueberry juice as possible. Discard or compost solids. Add lemon juice and coconut milk to the same vessel.
  4. Transfer to a cocktail shaker or large mason jar with a lid. Add ice and shake until cold. Strain into 2 glasses and garnish with lavender as desired or add a shot of vodka if making a cocktail. Enjoy!


  • Serving Size: 2