
Cinnamon Orange Creamsicles Recipe (Raw, Dairy Free, Refined Sugar Free)

Cinnamon Orange Creamsicles

Chefchaouen is one of my favorite places in the world.  It’s a tiny village nestled in the Rif mountains of Morocco, and the entire town – from the stone streets to the walls to the doors to the archways – is painted a stunning blue so close to the color of the sky that I’m sure the many stoners who descend on the town (besides being sort of an artist enclave, the village is famous for its opium and pot production) have trouble telling where the walls end and the air begins.

It was in Chefchaouen that I was first introduced to the combination of cinnamon and orange, which, while simple on the surface, has become one of my favorite flavor profiles – the cinnamon lends a spicy, aromatic quality while bringing out the zesty freshness of the orange, and their sweetness teases and compliments each other.  Here, I did a Moroccan take on the classic Orange Creamsicle, with a healthy Cinnamon Orange Creamsicle – it’s refined sugar free, full of good fats and vitamin C (and that orange zest is an awesome skin cancer protectant, so good for these summer days!).  If you don’t have a popsicle mold (which, like – they’re super cheap and super awesome, so just GET ONE!) you can always use Champagne flutes or even Dixie cups.

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Cinnamon Orange Creamsicles Recipe (Raw, Dairy Free, Refined Sugar Free)

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  • Cinnamon Orange Creamsicles Recipe
  • 1 can full fat coconut milk
  • Zest + Juice of 2 organic oranges (because no one likes pesticides in their zest)
  • 3 tbsp of honey (can sub maple syrup or coconut syrup if vegan)
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric (optional, for color and its awesome health benefits – you can’t taste it)
  • Generous pinch of sea salt


  1. Blend until well combined, then pour into popsicle molds (I used the Zoku ones, which are BPA free and available on Amazon for $16). If you’re not using a mold, insert sticks after about 1 hour, then freeze at least 6 hours, preferably overnight. To remove from mold or cup, run a bit of warm water around the outside before gently pulling out. Makes 6 popsicles.