healthy banana bread muffin tops

Peanut Butter Cup Latte (Dairy Free, Refined Sugar Free)

You know I love my lattes (you can see my birthday cake latte, brownie batter latte, carrot cake latte, churro latte, and more here) but this one might take the cake—or the cup, that is.

I’ve been obsessed with my peanut butter cup protein bites since I created them, and then one day it hit me—I didn’t have a peanut butter cup latte. I set about creating one but I had very specific standards—mostly that I didn’t just want it to be a chocolatey peanut butter latte. No, I wanted separate layers of peanut butter and chocolate so you got different amounts in every sip, just like the peanut butter cup experience. I also wanted it to be blood sugar friendly, dairy free, refined sugar free, and absolutely delicious.

You guys. You’re going to love the result. It uses a base of Califia Oat Barista Blend, which I’ve always loved, but have been especially stocking up on since COVID-19 began, since it’s shelf-stable and can be ordered directly from their website and then stored in my pantry until I’m ready to use it (so good for avoiding needless trips to the store—use code “healthiertogether20” at for 20% off). It’s super creamy, doesn’t separate at all, and makes the richest, most delicious base for my lattes.

To make those separate peanut butter and chocolate layers, you’ll blend up the peanut butter latte first, then pour it into your cup. You’ll add raw cacao into the remaining mixture and blend it up (the chocolate overpowers the PB—it tastes really decadent and chocolatey) and then add that on top. You can do swirls. You can do zig zags! You can do a ying yang. The world is your oyster.

While the latte will be pretty thick and filling with just the peanut butter, I also added a small amount of gelatin, which offers additional gut healing benefits and makes the texture a bit thicker and richer. You can totally leave it out and have an amazing result either way!

Also, if you’d like to make this caffeinated, just swap 1 cup of milk for 1 cup of strongly brewed coffee. And while it’s optional that you top with flaky sea salt, I highly, highly recommend that you do. Life is just better with flaky sea salt on top.

Enjoy, and tag me if you make it on Instagram (@lizmoody)—I can’t wait to see what design you go for!!

This post is sponsored by Califia Farms, a brand I’ve loved for years. Thank you so much for supporting the companies that help keep this site alive.

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Peanut Butter Cup Latte (Dairy Free, Refined Sugar Free)

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  • Author: Liz Moody
  • Total Time: 10 Minutes
  • Yield: 1 Latte


  • 2 cups non-dairy milk
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted creamy peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract⁣
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup⁣
  • 1 tablespoon grass-fed gelatin (optional)⁣
  • 1 tablespoon raw cacao ⁣



  1. Heat milk in a small pot until just simmering then blend until smooth with everything except cacao.
  2. Pour 3/4 of latte into a mug or 2 then blend cacao into remaining mixture.
  3. Top PB latte with chocolate latte, making whatever design you’d like!