Can’t poop? Need to? This Ultimate Green Smoothie for Constipation is jam-packed with gut-healing ingredients like fibrous fats and leafy greens specifically designed to get things moving. Back in my editorial days, I wrote an article where I interviewed ten of the world’s best gastroenterologists about their favorite constipation-busting foods, and I was shocked at the two that came up over and over again: chia seeds and raspberries. 

In fact, every single one of the ingredients in this smoothie can be found on the Periodic Table of Microbiome Friendly Foods, which is why it also gets this very sciencey name: The All-fibrous Alpha-linolenic Acid Activator. It’s a mouthful. But a delicious one.

green smoothie recipe for constipation

What ingredients are in this Green Smoothie for Constipation?

Chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and raspberries are all high in Alpha linolenic acid or ALA, which research shows supports healthy inflammatory response. This benefits our heart health, brain health, and metabolism! If you’ve caught up with this episode of the Liz Moody Podcast with Functional Immunologist Dr. Heather Moday (Listen on Apple. Listen on Spotify.), you’ll know why having a healthy inflammation response is SO important for our immune system AND the health of our microbiome. The ingredients in this green smoothie are also high in dietary fiber, which increases satiety, contributes to healthy poops, and balances intestinal pH.

You’ll need:

Spinach: I love using spinach as the source of green in smoothies because you can’t taste it at all. Feel free to use mixed greens if you have them on hand!

Chia seeds: adds a nutritional boost of fiber and protein.

Pumpkin seeds: to stabilize your blood sugar and reduces inflammation.

Avocado: you’ll love how creamy avocado makes every bite! (Yes, bite, because you’re chewing your smoothies!)

Banana: keeps this smoothie recipe perfectly sweet.

Raspberries: fresh raspberries are one of the top fibrous fruits.

Fine grain sea salt: a pinch of salt makes this taste AMAZING.

The result is a creamy, veggie-packed green smoothie that tastes just like dessert… with pooping powers.

Tips for the perfect green smoothie

Here are a few tips for making this green smoothie for constipation taste amazing and have maximum health benefits:

  1. Let the smoothie sit for about 5 minutes after blending, but before drinking. This way, the chia will hydrate and give you optimal health benefits.  
  2. Enjoy with nutritional boosters. Feel free to add in your favorite plant-based protein powder or take with a probiotic.
  3. Have fun with toppings. This would be delicious with some of my homemade granola on top!
  4. Chew your smoothie. Instead of slurping it down, chewing the smoothie will help you absorb ALL of those great nutrients!
  5. Use unfrozen produce. Cold smoothies actually are harder to digest, so use bananas and raspberries at room temperature.

What are probiotics and why do I need them?

The definition of probiotics is: live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. What we call probiotics tend to be capsules that contain various strains of bacteria designed to supplement or add to your own microbiome. Which might make you ask…

What is my microbiome?

Your microbiome is all of the microbiota (or teeny tiny bacteria) that reside in various parts of your body. We hear a lot about our gut microbiomes, but you actually have a vaginal microbiome, a skin microbiome, an oral microbiome. The gut is definitely a hub though, so taking care of your gut microbiome can help with everything else. This is one of the reasons why, when people have great gut health, they often see an improvement in:

  • Acne
  • Yeast infections
  • Energy
  • Skin health
  • Dental health
  • Brain fog
  • Inflammation
  • Hormones
  • and more

Are probiotics enough for optimal gut health?

Probiotics are only part of the equation, which is one of the reasons I like Seed so much. They’re actually synbiotics, which means they contain both pro- and prebiotics. We haven’t talked about prebiotics much yet, but when I interviewed Dr. Rangan Chatterjee on The Liz Moody Podcast (Listen on Apple. Listen on Spotify), one of the most influential gut health doctors in the UK, he said research shows that prebiotics are as important if not more so important than probiotics to great gut health.

The concept is simple: probiotics contain the actual microbes that will populate your gut, but prebiotics are the food that the microbes need to eat to thrive.

So, if you only have probiotics and no prebiotics, those microbiota are basically starving and won’t be able to actually help you, which is one of the biggest reasons people don’t see the effects they’re looking for when they take probiotics. This is one of the MANY reasons that I advocate for including so many colorful veggies in your diet (fibrous veggies are one of the best source of prebiotics in the natural world), and it’s why I created the Green Smoothie Society, so you can find all of my green smoothie recipes in one place.

How do I take care of my gut to stop constipation?

  1. Eat as many veggies as you can.
  2. Make sure you’re having both a large amount and a large diversity of veggies.
  3. Take a good quality synbiotic, like Seed. Use code LIZMOODY to get 15% OFF!

More delicious green smoothie recipes

Looking for something to listen to while you make this or just interested in learning more about how to fight constipation and support your microbiome? Check out theses great episodes of the Liz Moody Podcast:

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constipation-busting smoothie recipe

The Ultimate Constipation-Busting Smoothie Recipe

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  • Author: Liz Moody




Blend together with filtered water to achieve desired texture. Let sit for 5 minutes to give the chia time to hydrate before sipping. Makes 1 large or 2 small servings! Enjoy!!